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Do You Trust Your Current Medical Linen and Uniform Service? 

With so much at stake, it’s important to have the right partner to deliver your needs. You need to know that you’re entrusting your most crucial needs in the hands […]

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The Importance of Medical Uniform Cleanliness

It’s no secret that uniforms are important in any healthcare operation. For one, it allows for easy identification. Secondly, medical uniforms are designed for functionality, aiding in employee productivity. But […]

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Risks of Unaccredited Healthcare Linen Services 

Outsourcing your linen needs is a risk in itself. You are, after all, handing over the controls to some of your most important inventory. But the biggest risk of all […]

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Medical Facility Management Tips 

Managing a medical facility is a never-ending, complex task. There are so many moving pieces and so much at stake. Consider these medical facility management tips to take some of […]

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Why You Can Trust the Companies in Our Network

MEDtegrity is the largest network of HLAC-Accredited, Hygienically Clean-certified laundry facilities in the country. And we have the service provider you’re looking for!

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